Senses Poem

Senses Poem


To limit yourself to not using all of your senses at any given time should be frowned    upon, as you are not grasping life for all it’s worth

How about the psychic or spiritual senses in general? Have they been denied and disregarded as an important part of human experience?

In Christianity, for example the sense of smell has long been highly valued and sacred

In the breath of God, fragrances of the Holy Spirit were considered irresistible and sweet

This holy scent was considered to be indication of triumph of spiritual virtue over physical corruption

A saint could sense the presence of god through the sweet natural odour mysteriously produced and sense the presence of god through sweet natural odour mysteriously produced and that each saint produced a smell that lasted even after they died

These odors were able to heal people, inspire them and fill them with magical hallucinations with either angels or demons

My grandparents who are Christian would always tell me that cleanliness is next to godliness

Many of these senses had been emotional and were feelings in our body

Seselelame which when an individual gets a feeling in their body

In the West the history of the senses has been one of simplifications and sanitization

Our society tends to associate the normative with the natural

To ignore your sense of smell is to ignore a part of the world around you










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